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Marjolein Weijers

Office & Event Manager  

‘Discover, grow and shine like water.’ 

Marjolein klein.jpg

About me 

In my versatile role, I contribute with great enthusiasm to the success of World Waternet every day. I support the team with daily tasks and am ready to hospitably receive international delegations. I arrange, coordinate and plan various activities with dedication, in which my passion for events is expressed. 

I have a background in events from design to execution. Later I switched to office management and there I discovered that it only becomes truly special when you can taste both worlds. 

What I bring to World Waternet is a valuable combination of experience in organizing events and office management. This background enables me to fulfill two essential roles within the organization. 

My commitment to the subject of water is that I believe that everyone in the world has the right to clean drinking water. That is why I am committed to supporting initiatives that strive for sustainable water management and access to clean drinking water for everyone. 

My work at World Waternet 

As Office & Event Manager at Wereld Waternet, my ambition is to play an essential role in the success of our organization. I strive to use my versatile skills and passion for events to create a streamlined and welcoming work environment. By working closely with my colleagues and external partners, I want to contribute to increasing the impact and visibility of World Waternet, both within and outside the organization. 

My role at World Waternet revolves around arranging events and reassuring everyone within the organization. I’m fulfilling my role with great pleasure from our beautiful office in Amsterdam with a view over the Amstel River.  

Favorite place to swim 


Goals & hobbies 

In my spare time I like to play tennis and restore old cupboards. Tennis gives me fun and challenge on the court, while renovating furniture stimulates my creativity. I also have a real passion for furnishing homes and styling and hosting events. 

Want to reach out? 

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