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Joyce de Leeuw

Board member

About me

Residence: Bennebroek, Netherlands
Family: Married with two children
Occupation: Manager for the municipalities of Haarlem and Zandvoort

The Waterleidingduinen (the dune area which supplies water to the city of Amsterdam and managed by Waternet) are in my ‘backyard’. It’s a beautiful area and we often go there for walks in the dunes.



I work as a manager for the municipalities of Haarlem and Zandvoort. Within my department, I oversee the advisors for the internal Board and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, as well as staff responsible for the municipal decision-making process. With an acadamic background in international water management, I've traversed various roles in the water sector. Previously, I held advisory and managerial positions at Rijkswaterstaat, collaborating with different departments within the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Passion for Water

My interest in water management stems from its critical role as a fundamental necessity, often unevenly distributed globally. During my study of international water management, I've contributed to water-related research in Nepal and Kenya, focusing on wastewater usage in agriculture and innovative insurance models for drought-affected regions.

Involvement with World Waternet

Aligned with my belief in international cooperation for addressing water challenges, I'm drawn to World Waternet's mission of facilitating tangible changes through partnerships and knowledge exchange. As a board member, I prioritize public sector governance, aiming to expand the organization's impact and visibility.

Personal Touch

Outside of work, I cherish family adventures, envisioning a journey across African countries with a rooftop tent. My favorite expression, "wie niet waagt, wie niet wint" (nothing ventured, nothing gained), or "morgen weer een dag" (another day tomorrow). My favorite place to swim is somewhere in a pool in the African bush with a view elephants drinking!

Personal goals

Crossing several African countries with my family and a rooftop tent. Living and working abroad (probably somewhere in South/East Africa)

Ambitions for World Waternet

My ambition is to lead the continued growth and impact of World Waternet by elevating its visibility and recognition. I am dedicated to ensuring that World Waternet's vital work remains at the forefront of global water management efforts, securing its enduring presence and relevance.

I am committed to contributing innovative ideas and strategic direction to shape the organization's long-term vision, as outlined in the business plan spanning from 2021 to 2024. It is imperative that World Waternet remains agile and adaptive in the face of evolving global trends and challenges, particularly those related to climate change. I will actively champion initiatives that proactively address these pressing issues, ensuring that World Waternet continues to be a pioneering force in sustainable water management.

Furthermore, I am determined to foster and expand partnerships with both international and local stakeholders. By forging robust alliances, we can harness collective expertise and resources to seize new opportunities for growth and development. Together, we will work towards creating impactful solutions that transcend borders and make a meaningful difference in the world of water management.