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ePIVOT Water (Kenya)

Work in progress

Enhancing Partnerships for Industry-led Vocational Training and education in Water for Agriculture

Region Kenya
Period 2020-2021

Meru University of Science and Technology (lead partner), Kenya Water Institute, and Ahero, Marimba, Meru national polytechnic, Siala and Tharaka colleges

Project partners

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (lead partner), Aeres, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, HAS University of Applied Sciences, Climate Adaptation Services

Funding  Nuffic Orange Knowledge Programme


Horticulture is the fastest growing sub-sector in Kenya. It is expected to contribute the most towards the envisioned poverty reduction, and overall food security. Irregular rainfall patterns causing persistent droughts and excessive rainfall floods are creating difficult challenges for the agricultural sector. Solutions to tackle these challenges are often not incorporated in the agricultural and horticulture curricula, creating a lack in capacity on water- and climate smart horticulture.

Our impact

This project aims to improve the horticulture sector by improving the curriculum on water- and climate smart practices, increasing teachers’ capacity, creating more access to practical training facilities and strengthening knowledge and communication links between educational institutions and the public and private sector. It will also align the labour market demand with the educational offerings, increasing the output of skilled students.
