World Waternet, Agriterra, and Auxfin launched a project for sustainable development in Burkina Faso
16 September 2024A significant initiative has commenced to enhance integrated water resources management (IWRM) and water accessibility in Burkina Faso. World Waternet, Agriterra, and Auxfin have joined forces to launch the "Eau, Clé du Développement Durable – Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau" (Sustainable Development - Integrated Water Resources Management, ECDD-GIRE) project. This five-year project aims to drive sustainable social and economic development for the people of Burkina Faso.
Focus of the project
The focus will be on improving IWRM governance, implementing sustainable investment technologies, and promoting practices in soil and water conservation, drinking water supply, and climate smart smallholder agriculture to grassroot communities. These efforts aim to set a foundation for potential upscaling across the country. Monique Zwiers, Programme Manager at World Waternet, highlighted the project's broader impact: "Through ECDD-GIRE, we aim to increase the resilience and preparedness of local farming communities, particularly women and youth. By strengthening the capacity to govern and deliver safe and reliable water services, we hope to achieve sustainable water resource management that benefits both domestic needs and agricultural productivity."
Addressing Critical Needs
Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the Sahel region, has made significant strides in decentralised water resource management. However, the application of these practices still requires reinforcement. With 40% of the population living below the poverty line and a predominantly agriculture-based economy, access to water remains a critical issue, impacting nutrition, economic development, environmental health, and overall livelihoods.
World Waternet, Agriterra, and Auxfin will work together to enhance the capacity of these water committees, and key agricultural stakeholder groups enabling them to fulfil their water management responsibilities effectively. 80% of the scarcely available water resources is used for agriculture. In addition, the population relies on agriculture for food production, livelihoods and economic development.
Partnership for Progress
Implemented under the authority of Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MEA: Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement), the ECDD-GIRE project will collaborate with local water committees (CLE), local governments and five water boards /agencies. The local water committees (comite locaux de l’EAU (CLE = key) play a pivotal role in realising the project’s goals.
Strengthening Water Management
The project will be executed through eight Local Water Committees (Comités Locaux de l’Eau - CLE), 24 User Water Committees (Comités d’Usagers de l’Eau - CUE) and 16 horticultural cooperatives.
Positive Impact and Future Prospects
The successful implementation of the ECDD-GIRE project is expected to significantly improve water governance and management systems within the eight CLEs. Indirectly, it will enhance the daily lives and livelihood opportunities of local communities , contributing to a more resilient and thriving community.