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WWn team in transition

13 September 2023

With implementation of our Business Plan 2021-2024, we have been able to increase our impact by mobilising more long-term investments, creating spin-offs for our WOPs, deploying more water experts and contributing to the Research & Innovation program of Waternet. The growth and ongoing professionalising of our organisation had resulted in new, very valuable additions to our team, to better support our local and Waternet colleagues!

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Mir Verkaaik (Communications Advisor)

Mir has worked for different types of consultancy firms, in the tech sector and now in the public and non-profit sector. Her previous employer was the municipality of Amsterdam where she was able to learn a lot about communication with local stakeholders and participation in Land & Development. Starting in October as a Communications Advisor WWn, Mir ensures that stakeholders (internal and external) are familiar with the story of World Waternet. She will be in close contact with Waternet and WWn experts for relevant content, based on the philosophy that 'communication belongs to everyone'.

Vivian van Nassou (Impact Manager)

Not a new face, but a new position as World Waternet. Vivian has been working at World Waternet for seven years as WOP Support Officer for the Middle East and West Africa. As Impact Manager, she will look at how World Waternet can increase her impact from a wider perspective. As part of the Intelligence Team, she supports the CEO and Regional Managers with the monitoring and evaluating of the impact WWn makes in our partnerships. Are we doing the right things, and are we doing the things right? In addition, she is involved in business development and corporate communications. Apart from that, she is Project Manager for the EU-WOP project ‘Dji’i Tiaman’ in Mali, focused on the reduction of non-revenue water.

Marjolein Weijers (Event & Office Manager)

As Event & Office Manager, Marjolein is involved in the planning and organisation of activities within the entire World Waternet team. She monitors and reports on the progress of the work on internal (organisational) activities and implements (digital) improvements and innovations. She will also be responsible for preparing and organising events, such as WWn Meet-Ups, Project Managers’ Meetings and work visits of international delegations. Marjolein will support our team as from October!

Lars van Schagen (Intern Swimmable Rivers)

After participating in the National Water Traineeship (NWT), Lars is set on a career in the water sector. Waternet and the Amsterdam City Swim Foundation joined forces and are developing the Swimmable Rivers Community. The goal of this community is to encourage cities around the world to improve the water quality and make their river suitable for swimming. As from late-September, Lars will solely dedicate his internship at WWn to this mission.

Vacancy - Finance Manager

After many years of hard work and unlimited dedication, our esteemed colleague Vincent Oostenbrink will take on another challenge and will say goodbye to WWn as from 1 November. That means that we are looking for a new Finance Manager! Are you a proactive and innovative Finance Manager who wants to contribute to running our international projects financially smoothly? Apply now!